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I am currently the learning enhancement officer at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, a small university in West Wales. The area and discourse of learning enhancement is relatively new in universities and it is not uncontested. Some people see the role and its association with technology as under researched and merely extending the hand of management into the classroom. Others say the role is an essential part of the requirements of a modern university, where learners are increasingly being seen as customers, and the profile of academic teachers should be on par with academic researchers. My day to day job is to support colleagues with their teaching across the university, this includes the use of educational technology but not exclusively. As it is a small (and recently merged) university my role also includes supporting the development of strategies related to learning and teaching. In addition to my job I have recently started an EdD at University of Nottingham., for those who are not familiar; an EdD is a professional doctorate with its focus on education. So, like many people studying part time (or is that spare time) I work full time.