Advertise a job for your Further Education setting Over the years has proudly advertised thousands of college recruitment campaigns across the UK. Advertising for many career opportunities within Further…
How to Attract, Hire, and Retain Top Scientists for Your Organisation
Recruiting and retaining the best scientific talent for your education, business or research organisations is key to maintaining a competitive edge. Whether you’re developing a new research team or expanding…
Campaign Sites with
Campaign sites – a more informative snapshot of your organisation. As a recruiter are you looking for a job product that keeps all your job adverts in one place?…
PhD and Master’s Talent Trend Report 2023/24
Searching and applying for a PhD offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to advance their academic and professional careers. At we’ve been helping students find and compare PhD opportunities…
Professional, Managerial and Support Services Talent Trends 2023/24
Professional Service staff in higher education institutes play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing their vision, ensuring seamless operations while maximising efficiency and cost-effectiveness. They are part of crucial…
Academic, Research & Teaching Talent Trend Report 2023/24
Each year brings fresh challenges to the UK Higher Education sector, and in recent years, students understandably expect more and seek innovation in how education is delivered. They are looking… Jobseeker Insights 2024 attracts a diverse and highly skilled audience globally, seeking positions in academia, professional services, and PhD and studentships. Our 2024 jobseeker insights, provide a valuable breakdown of our audience…